Tom Sawyer
Tom goes, no answer
And aunt Polly is cleaning her glasses
Whitewash that old fence
A friend fooled by your trick for an apple
You won, two Bibles
Without knowing the name of Disciples
You suffer from a fake disease
But feel real pain when they pull your teeth
Today you won’t be late for school
Unless you meet someone cool
Huckleberry Finn ( X 3 )
Tom knows what happened
The wrong man has been jailed for stabbing
Put down your weakness
Don’t be afraid when they call you for witness
You cross the river with a row
How does it feel to be outlaw ?
How dare they sudden claim you dead,
Not finding in your bed ?
Mississippi boat ( X 3 )
This dark cave takes nowhere
So scary is stepping over
It starts freezing, you tremble
How long can last a candle ?
Will ever they find us ?
But you know that Becky is always with you
Il dialogo iniziale è tratto da una delle prime trasposizioni cinematografiche del romanzo di Mark Twain, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” del 1938 diretto da Norman Taurog. Si tratta della famosa scena in cui Tom Sawyer e Becky Thatcher si perdono all’interno della cava (“Oh, why did we ever leave the others !”). Potete guardare l’estratto dal film su YouTube (8:20).
I diritti di riproduzione del film sono detenuti dalla United Artists, compagnia del gruppo MGM.
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